Know Jesus. Grow in Him. So others will too.
Creek Kids exists to partner with parents and families to disciple children as they grow in relationship with Jesus so they become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Creek Kids Nursery
Nursery consists of all children birth through 24 months old.
We value low teacher/child ratios, gentle play, and a place where faith is introduced to babies and toddlers through age-appropriate teaching, play, movement, and simple songs.
Creek Kids Preschool
Preschool consists of children ages 2-5.
We value active play where the Bible is taught through engaging stories, activities, and fun worship songs with motions and movement.
Creek Kids Elementary
Creek Kids Elementary is all about helping your kindergarten through 5th graders take their next steps toward Jesus!
We want to partner with you as families to encourage spiritual formation in your homes. On the weekends, your kiddos can expect to meet high-energy contributors who are excited to spend time with them and teach them about the Word of God! We have meaningful worship time, Biblical storytelling videos, and lots of hands-on opportunities for them to experience what they are learning.
Creek Kids Buddies
Plum Creek strives to provide an inclusive environment where children with special needs can learn about Christ and experience God’s love. We provide one-on-one care, or our “buddy system,” during the 9:30a Sunday morning service!
Buddies accompany their paired child and help with participation in their age-appropriate classroom or, if needed, in our brand new Sensory Room! As this ministry grows, we will add additional services where we can provide buddies. We will always welcome children with special needs into all our classrooms at every service. If we are not equipped to safely meet the needs of the child, we will ask the parent to stay with their child. If you are a parent of a child with special needs and would like to connect your child with a buddy, please email children@plumcreek.church.
Please pray with us for the expansion of this ministry! If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about how you can be a buddy, contact children@plumcreek.church to get connected.
Bringing the fam for the first time this weekend?
We’re ready to help your kids experience Jesus as well!
However, if you’re new, getting everyone registered into Creek Kids can take a valuable minute or two. This is why we’ve made it possible for new families to register in advance!
This way, all you’ll need to do is visit one of our check-in stations, enter the phone number on file to print your security labels, and head straight to a classroom.
PS: Remember, this is for new families only and is not required to attend. It just helps speed things up a little. 😄
Events for kids and the parents that drive them there.
Time is precious when you’ve got kids to care for. That’s why we try our best to offer events that are truly worth the effort of loading up the minivan.

MomCo is coming.
MomCo at Plum Creek Church is a mom community that encourages and equips moms of children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus to form community together.
MomCo will take place on-campus every other week, starting September 25th.
Creek Kids resources; for whatever season you're in.
Partnering with parents doesn’t end when you pick up your kiddo from class on the weekend! You are the primary spiritual influence in your child’s life, so we’re here to equip you to win.
That can look different for everyone in different phases of life, so be sure to explore below for some helpful tools for parenting your kids towards life-change.
Preschool Resources
Here’s what we’re covering this week in Creek Kids Preschool as well as a helpful download with tips to further the engagement at home!
Elementary Resources
Here’s what we’re covering this week in Creek Kids Elementary as well as some downloads to help create meaningful conversations with your kiddos!
Resources from the Creek Kids Team!
Lindsy Harris
Lead Children’s Pastor
Don’t Mom AloneBook
Resilient by John EldridgeKids Devotional
Love Does for Kids by Bob Goff -
Molly McFadden
Elementary Pastor
Safe People by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John TownsendPodcast
The Forgotten PodcastPodcast
Where's the Joy in That? -
Autumn Woodfield
Early Childhood Pastor
Coming SoonBook
Coming SoonApp
Coming Soon -
Erin Case
Early Childhood Lead
Revealing Revelation by Amir Tsarfati with Dr. Rick YoungBook
Psalms in the Illuminated Scripture JournalMagazine
Southern Living
Have a question?
The awesome Ellie Lehrer would love to help you learn more about Creek Kids and answer any questions you might have!
Just want to stay in the know?
Other Resources
Parent Resources
Parent Cue Blog ↗︎
National Center for Biblical Parenting ↗︎
Focus on the Family ↗︎
Family Life ↗︎
Other Media
Facebook ↗︎
Instagram ↗︎
Baptism for Kids ↗︎
Volunteer Training Videos ↗︎
Contributor Team
Creek Kids is a valuable place for you to use your God-given gifts to bless the next generation of changed lives.
Child Dedication
Learn more about your next opportunity to participate in this meaningful moment below.
Baptism Workshop
If your child is in 2nd Grade or above and is considering getting baptized, we would love to invite you to our Creek Kids Baptism Workshop!