Teamwork makes the dream work.
Our team of changed lives takes ministry seriously and yet knows that taking ourselves a little less seriously makes ministry more fun.
Pastors & Directors
Kelly Brick
Facilities Director
Get to know Kelly:
If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would treat yourself with?
Plane tickets. I want to see the world, taste all the food and experience other cultures. -
Tomy Cummins
Lead Student Pastor
Get to know Tomy:
If you could time travel to one specific event in history what would it be and why (not to change it, but just to experience it)?The moment fried okra was invented.
Paris Hamilton
Student Outreach Director
Get to know Paris:
What random thing do you wish you knew more about?
Being an ER Doctor. If I'm still single by the time I'm 30 then I'm becoming a chaplain in a hospital or something, I think learning about medicine & the body is the coolest thing ever. -
Craig Harris
Executive Pastor of Weekend Experience
Get to know Craig:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?Nacho Libre.
Lindsy Harris
Lead Children’s Pastor
Get to know Lindsy:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?Blink and my house would be clean.
Kelsey Kantz
Life Together Director
Get to know Kelsey:
What is one style trend you wish you had never been a part of?
The mullet. -
Jenna Koon
Student Discipleship Director
Get to know Jenna:
If you had to eat from the same restaurant every single day, what restaurant would you choose?
100% Texas Road House - give me all the bread. -
Armando Lara
Production Director
Get to know Armando:
What is your hidden talent?
the ability to spin and not get dizzy… -
Daniel Larsen
Communications Director
Get to know Daniel:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?An NHL goaltender. Like Dominik Hasek level good.
Jeremy Lewis
Worship Pastor
Get to know Jeremy:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?The 4th member of DC Talk.
Molly McFadden
Elementary Pastor
Get to know Molly:
If you could get lunch with any one person (dead or alive) who would you choose and why?Mister Rogers - just to pick his brain and give him a hug.
Doug Miller
Lead Pastor
Get to know Doug:
What is one style trend you wish you had never been a part of?My junior high permed hair.
Eric Parks
Executive Pastor of Discipleship and Ops
Get to know Eric:
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
”You have a nice-shaped head.” -
Bob Seale
Executive Pastor of Next Gen Ministries
Get to know Bob:
If you had to eat from the same restaurant every single day, what restaurant would you choose?It's a toss-up, either In-N-Out Burger or Chipotle!
Rachael Shelton
Residency Pastor
Get to know Rachael:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?An FBI agent or an actress. I had a variety of interests!
Dana Smith
Contributor Director
Get to know Dana:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?
To be able to survive on chocolate chip cookies and brownies -
Shane Sorensen
Story Director
Get to know Shane:
If you could get lunch with any one person (dead or alive) who would you choose and why?Jeff Probst - He has the best job and I want to be on Survivor.
Nicole Wilson
Human Resources Director
Get to know Nicole:
What fictional character do you relate to the most?
Amelia Bedelia -
Ryanne Witt
Discipleship Pastor
Get to know Ryanne:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?Parks and Recreation, and I feel zero shame about it.
Autumn Woodfield
Early Childhood Pastor
Get to know Autumn:
What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
Growing old gracefully with my husband of 22 years (more laugh lines for sure)
Ministry Staff
Kirsten Boyd
Lead Pastor Administrator
Get to know Kirsten:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?
The Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise -
Jason Brick
Men’s Ministry Coordinator
Get to know Jason:
If you could swap lives with any celebrity for a day, who would it be?
Scottie Scheffler -
Breea Bush
Executive Administrator
Get to know Breea:
What is one style trend you wish you had never been a part of?MC Hammer Pants & crazy teased bangs.
Erin Case
Early Childhood Lead
Get to know Erin:
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would treat yourself with?A vacation to Turks & Caicos.
Makenzie Grider
Student Administrator
Get to know Makenzie:
If you could invent a holiday, what would it celebrate and how would people observe it?
National country music day! There is a huge festival with swing dancing and line dancing and work is canceled. -
Jade Hayhurst
Creek Kids Administrator
Get to know Jade:
What's the most random fun fact you know?
At Disneyland there is a trash can every 30 ft because that's how long it took Walt to finish a snack and need a trash can! -
Brittany Kennedy
Communications Coordinator
Get to know Brittany:
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would treat yourself with?
Tickets to a Formula 1 race at Imola -
Amanda Lewis
Homes Coordinator
Get to know Amanda:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?The ability to have a soundtrack to match my day!
Andres MacDonald
Facilities Coordinator
Get to know Andres:
What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
To get cozy with a blanket and produce my own music -
Ethan Mooney
Production Coordinator
Get to know Ethan:
If you could invent a holiday, what would it celebrate and how would people observe it?National Concert Day—everyone gets one free ticket a year to see their favorite artist live
Jackie Morris
Senior Adults' Ministry Coordinator
Get to know Jackie:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?
Ability to parallel park by just looking at the parking space. -
Stacey Osgood
Front Desk & Care Administrator
Get to know Stacey:
What is one style trend you wish you had never been a part of?Pants tucked inside leg warmers. 80's!
David Parks
Video Coordinator
Get to know David:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?Being able to control the light of the earth, so I could make that sweet golden hour sunlight last longer.
Holly Sage
Worship and Creative Administrator
Get to know Holly:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?A dolphin. 🐬
Taryn Thurman
Discipleship Administrator
Get to know Taryn:
What's the most random fun fact you know?
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping (this is a called rafting) to ensure everyone stays together, everyone stays warm, and everyone stays near a food source. -
Linda Torres
Next Gen Administrator
Get to know Linda:
If you could give a TED Talk on any topic, what would it be?
The benefits of having indoor plants and how to keep them alive. -
Claire Zemko
Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Get to know Claire:
What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?Watching our littles grow up as Colorado kids!
Interns & Residents
Ashley Byrd
Worship Resident
Get to know Ashley:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?I could shamelessly watch or read the Harry Potter series on repeat any day!
Anders Choate
Student Resident
Get to know Anders:
What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
When the Vikings win the Super bowl! -
Lauren Fox
Student Resident
Get to know Lauren:
What random thing do you wish you knew more about?I love learning about the local economies in developing countries and how they affect aid and education programs. It's like looking at a global puzzle!
Trinity Knapp
Creative Resident
Get to know Trinity:
What fictional character do you relate to the most?I relate to Belle wanting to go on adventures
Eden Rutherford
Creek Kids Resident
Get to know Eden:
What random thing do you wish you knew more about?
What lives at the bottom of the ocean because mermaids have to exist at the bottom of the ocean -
Gabe Sanchez
Production Resident
Get to know Gabe:
What random thing do you wish you knew more about?
How to create an actual working Jarvis AI from the Iron Man movies.
Risk takers welcome.
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Board Of Directors
Brett Bonomo
Advisory Member
Get to know Brett:
What do you consider to be your best garage sale find?Ham radio equipment.
Dan Decker
Advisory Member
Get to know Dan:
What underwhelming superpower would you most like to have?To think faster than my wife.
Chris Dimond
Advisory Member
Get to know Chris:
I’m currently on a soul care journey. I’ll get back to you when I have answers. -
Kathy Gallo-Doyle
Advisory Member
Get to know Kathy:
What is one style trend you wish you had never been a part of?Perms.
Craig Harris
Exec. Pastor / Elder Member
Get to know Craig:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?Nacho Libre.
Doug Miller
Lead Pastor / Elder Member
Get to know Doug:
If you could time travel to one specific event in history what would it be and why (not to change it, but just to experience it)Game 7. 2016 World Series. Go Cubs.
Eric Parks
Exec. Pastor / Elder Member
Get to know Eric:
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
”You have a nice-shaped head.” -
Dana Rasic
Advisory Member
Get to know Dana:
What is one movie or TV show that you could shamelessly watch over and over?
Top Gun (I think I am well over 50 times so far!) -
Bob Seale
Exec. Pastor / Elder Member
Get to know Bob:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?An astronaut.