One Day really can change the world.
We’re encouraging every Plum Creek family to prayerfully consider giving one day of their household's annual income to support projects that are making a tangible impact in our community and around the world.
How to give to One Day:
Click or tap “Give to One Day”
The “One Day Campaign” will be pre-selected
Enter the amount and choose your payment method
Of these above-and-beyond gifts, 100% of what comes in will go back out to support missions, including Hope Haven Rwanda, One Child Hope Centers, and Project Rescue.

Current Total: ≈ $600,000+
This averages out to 2 minutes of every working day for a year. It’s not about equal amounts, it's about equal sacrifice.
Your One Day changes their every day.
We are partnering with all of our One Child Hope Centers. Many of you sponsor children from One Child and know that through our partnership, they strive to meet the child’s physical, mental and spiritual needs.
Plum Creek currently has 5 Hope Centers located in the Philippines, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Altogether we help take care of over 600 children.
A portion of our One Day giving will go directly to our partners at Hope Haven Rwanda, which gives close to 1,500 kids some of the best education in the country and a path to a new future!
Hope Haven has kids from nursery through 12th grade, attending, eating, learning, growing, and breaking the cycle of generational poverty, opening so many possibilities for a better life, all the while teaching and showing them the love and hope of Christ.
Project Rescue is an organization that is helping women who are stuck in sex slavery and victims of human trafficking find rescue and restoration through the love and power of God.
Share your heart with a sticker!
With your over-and-above gift to One Day, you’ll receive a sticker that you can wear on a day of your choosing that represents your One Day.
Talk about a conversation starter!
Why do we partner with One Child Hope Centers?
The children impacted by One Child are at the center of this strategic partnership!
We believe they are made in the image of God and that loving and nurturing them is a sacred calling. Because each one is unique, we see boundless potential in every boy and girl. We look for every opportunity to help children in poverty as they develop and pursue their dreams.
As they become contributing members of their own communities, we pray they will invest in the next generation of children.
Why do we partner with Hope Haven Rwanda?
Hope Haven Rwanda is a non-profit organization that delivers outstanding education and life-on-life discipleship to one of the most vulnerable communities in Rwanda!
They operate with heartfelt compassion, high levels of competency, and within a vibrant Christian community on 16 acres just outside of Kigali, Rwanda, where they cultivate God-given purposes for entire families, offering them a brighter tomorrow with the hope of Christ and practical life skills.
Hope Haven believes their investment in each child and family flows into the neighborhood and eventually transforms the nation. Christian world leaders and job creators are emerging from the halls of Hope Haven Rwanda!
Why do we partner with Project Rescue?
Since Project Rescue was founded in 1997, they've been on a mission to rescue and restore victims of sexual exploitation through the love and power of God!
Each Project Rescue affiliated site is launched by courageous men and women of God, often starting with street outreach in areas of prostitution. No two partnerships are exactly the same, but all caregivers offer God’s love, liberating truth, and compassionate, holistic care.
In each of the areas they serve, leaders and staff work 24/7 with survivors of sexual slavery and trafficking to support them on their journey toward restoration.